Gone RC - R/C Community

DH 88 Comet Rotating P-6E Hawk Landing in a tall grass Landing.. Vintage Curare Taking-off

Welcome to "Gone RC"!

Greatest World R/C Community to share joy of aircraft flying, cars and boats racing, rocket launching.. anything we love to control remotely.

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Drone Remote ID Proposal Announced by FAA - Act Today!

Voice your Opinion! - time is running out.

If we won't prevent FAA from stupid regulatory action Today - RC Hobby will be GONE Tomorrow!

What will happen if we don't act Now:

  • Kids will have harder time getting into RC Models hobby
  • We will lose many pilots and aeronautical engineers who started their career as an aircraft-modeling hobbyists
  • Prices on RC equipment will go through the roof
  • Aviation safety will not get better and most of all -- regulations will not stop bad guys from doing what they do!

Watch YouTube video with explanation:

FAA Announces Drone Remote ID Proposal

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  • Promote your Club Website on Major Search Engines within 10 days FREE
  • Gain popularity for your R/C club
  • Spread information on events and news in your club
  • Attract new members
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CarboWeave Carbon Fiber

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